
Why Darwin was wrong about the tree of life

IN JULY 1837, Charles Darwin had a flash of inspiration. In his study at his house in London, he turned to a new page in his red leather notebook and wrote, "I think". Then he drew a spindly sketch of a tree.

As far as we know, this was the first time Darwin toyed with the concept of a "tree of life" to explain the evolutionary relationships between different species. It was to prove a fruitful idea: by the time he published On The Origin of Species 22 years later, Darwin's spindly tree had grown into a mighty oak. The book contains numerous references to the tree and its only diagram is of a branching structure showing how one species can evolve into many.

The affinities of all the beings of the same class have sometimes been represented by a great tree. I believe this simile largely speaks the truth...

The tree-of-life concept was absolutely central to Darwin's thinking, equal in importance to natural selection, according to biologist W. Ford Doolittle of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Without it the theory of evolution would never have happened. The tree also helped carry the day for evolution. Darwin argued successfully that the tree of life was a fact of nature, plain for all to see though in need of explanation. The explanation he came up with was evolution by natural selection.

Ever since Darwin the tree has been the unifying principle for understanding the history of life on Earth. At its base is LUCA, the Last Universal Common Ancestor of all living things, and out of LUCA grows a trunk, which splits again and again to create a vast, bifurcating tree. Each branch represents a single species; branching points are where one species becomes two. Most branches eventually come to a dead end as species go extinct, but some reach right to the top - these are living species. The tree is thus a record of how every species that ever lived is related to all others right back to the origin of life.

...The green and budding twigs may represent existing species, and those produced during each former year may represent the long succession of extinct species

For much of the past 150 years, biology has largely concerned itself with filling in the details of the tree. "For a long time the holy grail was to build a tree of life," says Eric Bapteste, an evolutionary biologist at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, France. A few years ago it looked as though the grail was within reach. But today the project lies in tatters, torn to pieces by an onslaught of negative evidence. Many biologists now argue that the tree concept is obsolete and needs to be discarded. "We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality," says Bapteste. That bombshell has even persuaded some that our fundamental view of biology needs to change.

So what happened? In a nutshell, DNA. The discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953 opened up new vistas for evolutionary biology. Here, at last, was the very stuff of inheritance into which was surely written the history of life, if only we knew how to decode it. Thus was born the field of molecular evolution, and as techniques became available to read DNA sequences and those of other biomolecules such as RNA and proteins, its pioneers came to believe that it would provide proof positive of Darwin's tree of life. The basic idea was simple: the more closely related two species are (or the more recently their branches on the tree split), the more alike their DNA, RNA and protein sequences ought to be.

It started well. The first molecules to be sequenced were RNAs found in ribosomes, the cell's protein-making machines. In the 1970s, by comparing RNA sequences from various plants, animals and microorganisms, molecular biologists began to sketch the outlines of a tree. This led to, among other successes, the unexpected discovery of a previously unknown major branch of the tree of life, the unicellular archaea, which were previously thought to be bacteria.

By the mid-1980s there was great optimism that molecular techniques would finally reveal the universal tree of life in all its glory. Ironically, the opposite happened.

The problems began in the early 1990s when it became possible to sequence actual bacterial and archaeal genes rather than just RNA. Everybody expected these DNA sequences to confirm the RNA tree, and sometimes they did but, crucially, sometimes they did not. RNA, for example, might suggest that species A was more closely related to species B than species C, but a tree made from DNA would suggest the reverse.

Which was correct? Paradoxically, both - but only if the main premise underpinning Darwin's tree was incorrect. Darwin assumed that descent was exclusively "vertical", with organisms passing traits down to their offspring. But what if species also routinely swapped genetic material with other species, or hybridised with them? Then that neat branching pattern would quickly degenerate into an impenetrable thicket of interrelatedness, with species being closely related in some respects but not others.

We now know that this is exactly what happens. As more and more genes were sequenced, it became clear that the patterns of relatedness could only be explained if bacteria and archaea were routinely swapping genetic material with other species - often across huge taxonomic distances - in a process called horizontal gene transfer (HGT).

At first HGT was assumed to be a minor player, transferring only "optional extra" functions such as antibiotic resistance. Core biological functions such as DNA replication and protein synthesis were still thought to be passed on vertically. For a while, this allowed evolutionary biologists to accept HGT without jeopardising their precious tree of life; HGT was merely noise blurring its edges. We now know that view is wrong. "There's promiscuous exchange of genetic information across diverse groups," says Michael Rose, an evolutionary biologist at the University of California, Irvine.

From tree to web

As it became clear that HGT was a major factor, biologists started to realise the implications for the tree concept. As early as 1993, some were proposing that for bacteria and archaea the tree of life was more like a web. In 1999, Doolittle made the provocative claim that "the history of life cannot properly be represented as a tree" (Science, vol 284, p 2124). "The tree of life is not something that exists in nature, it's a way that humans classify nature," he says.

Thus began the final battle over the tree. Many researchers stuck resolutely to their guns, creating ever more sophisticated computer programs to cut through the noise and recover the One True Tree. Others argued just as forcefully that the quest was quixotic and should be abandoned.

The battle came to a head in 2006. In an ambitious study, a team led by Peer Bork of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany, examined 191 sequenced genomes from all three domains of life - bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes (complex organisms with their genetic material packaged in a nucleus) - and identified 31 genes that all the species possessed and which showed no signs of ever having been horizontally transferred. They then generated a tree by comparing the sequences of these "core" genes in everything from E. coli to elephants. The result was the closest thing yet to the perfect tree, Bork claimed (Science, vol 311, p 1283).

Other researchers begged to differ. Among them were Tal Dagan and William Martin at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany, who pointed out that in numerical terms a core of 31 genes is almost insignificant, representing just 1 per cent of a typical bacterial genome and more like 0.1 per cent of an animal's. That hardly constitutes a mighty oak or even a feeble sapling - more like a tiny twig completely buried by a giant web. Dagan dubbed Bork's result "the tree of 1 per cent" and argued that the study inadvertently provided some of the best evidence yet that the tree-of-life concept was redundant (Genome Biology, vol 7, p 118).

The debate remains polarised today. Bork's group continue to work on the tree of life and he continues to defend the concept. "Our point of view is that yes, there has been lots of HGT, but the majority of genes contain this tree signal," Bork says. The real problem is that our techniques are not yet good enough to tease that signal out, he says.

Meanwhile, those who would chop down the tree of life continue to make progress. The true extent of HGT in bacteria and archaea (collectively known as prokaryotes) has now been firmly established. Last year, Dagan and colleagues examined more than half a million genes from 181 prokaryotes and found that 80 per cent of them showed signs of horizontal transfer (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol 105, p 10039).

Surprisingly, HGT also turns out to be the rule rather than the exception in the third great domain of life, the eukaryotes. For a start, it is increasingly accepted that the eukaryotes originated by the fusion of two prokaryotes, one bacterial and the other archaeal, forming this part of the tree into a ring rather than a branch (Nature, vol 41, p 152).

The neat picture of a branching tree is further blurred by a process called endosymbiosis. Early on in their evolution, eukaryotes are thought to have engulfed two free-living prokaryotes. One of these gave rise to the cellular power generators called mitochondria while the other was the precursor of the chloroplasts, in which photosynthesis takes place. These "endosymbionts" later transferred large chunks of their genomes into those of their eukaryote hosts, creating hybrid genomes. As if that weren't complicated enough, some early eukaryotic lineages apparently swallowed one another and amalgamated their genomes, creating yet another layer of horizontal transfer (Trends in Ecology and Evolution, vol, 23, p 268).

This genetic free-for-all continues to this day. The vast majority of eukaryote species are unicellular - amoebas, algae and the rest of what used to be known as "protists" (Journal of Systematics and Evolution, vol 46, p263). These microscopic beasties have lifestyles that resemble prokaryotes and, according to Jan Andersson of the University of Uppsala in Sweden, their rates of HGT are often comparable to those in bacteria. The more we learn about microbes, the clearer it becomes that the history of life cannot be adequately represented by a tree.

Hang on, you may be thinking. Microbes might be swapping genes left, right and centre, what does that matter? Surely the stuff we care about - animals and plants - can still be accurately represented by a tree, so what's the problem?

Well, for a start, biology is the science of life, and to a first approximation life is unicellular. Microbes have been living on Earth for at least 3.8 billion years; multicellular organisms didn't appear until about 630 million years ago. Even today bacteria, archaea and unicellular eukaryotes make up at least 90 per cent of all known species, and by sheer weight of numbers almost all of the living things on Earth are microbes. It would be perverse to claim that the evolution of life on Earth resembles a tree just because multicellular life evolved that way. "If there is a tree of life, it's a small anomalous structure growing out of the web of life," says John Dupré, a philosopher of biology at the University of Exeter, UK.

More fundamentally, recent research suggests that the evolution of animals and plants isn't exactly tree-like either. "There are problems even in that little corner," says Dupré. Having uprooted the tree of unicellular life, biologists are now taking their axes to the remaining branches.

For example, hybridisation clearly plays an important role in the evolution of plants. According to Loren Rieseberg, a botanist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, around 14 per cent of living plant species are the product of the fusion of two separate lineages.

Cheap, super-efficient LED lights on the horizon

29 January 2009 by Colin Barras

Incandescent tungsten-filament light bulbs face a global switch-off as governments push for energy efficient fluorescent lamps to become the standard. But the light could soon go out on those lamps too, now that UK materials scientists have discovered a cheaper way to produce LED bulbs, which are three times as efficient as fluorescent lamps.

Although the ultimate dominance of LED lights has long been predicted, the expense of the super-efficient technology has made the timescale uncertain. The researchers now say LED bulbs based on their new process could be commercially available within five years.

Gallium nitride (GaN) LEDs have many advantages over compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and incandescent bulbs. They switch on instantly, with no gradual warm-up, and can burn for an average of 100,000 hours before they need replacing - 10 times as long as fluorescent lamps and some 130 times as long as an incandescent bulb. CFLs also contain small levels of mercury, which makes environmentally-friendly disposal of spent bulbs difficult.

Cracking up

The cost of production has kept the LEDs far from homes and offices, however. Gallium nitride cannot be grown on silicon like other solid-state electronic components because it shrinks at twice the rate of silicon as it cools. Crystals of GaN must be grown at 1000°C, so by the time a new LED made on silicon has cooled, it has already cracked, rendering the devices unusable.

One solution is to grow the LEDs on sapphire, which shrinks and cools at much the same rate as GaN. But the expense is too great to be commercially competitive.

Now Colin Humphreys's team at the University of Cambridge has discovered a simple solution to the shrinkage problem.

They included layers of aluminium gallium nitride in their LED design. These layers shrink at a much slower rate during cooling and help to counteract the fast-shrinkage of pure gallium nitride. These LEDs can be grown on silicon as so many other electronics components are. "They still work well as LEDs even with those extra layers inside," says Humphreys.

Early switch-over

A 15-centimetre silicon wafer costs just $15 and can accommodate 150,000 LEDs making the cost per unit tiny. That levels the playing field with CFLs, which many people only ever saw as a stopgap solution to the lighting problem.

Humphreys reckons that the UK government encouraged consumers to drop tungsten bulbs too soon. "We should have stayed with tungsten for another five years and then switched to LEDs," he says.

Humphreys's team was funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. The UK government's Technology Strategy Board will now provide the funding to turn the new technology into a commercial process.


Honda S2000 faces Retirement in 2009

First introduced in 1999 for the 2000 model year, the S2000 helped define its segment with class-leading handling, engine technology and value. Originally envisioned as a limited-edition tribute to Honda's 50th anniversary, S2000 production was extended in response to customer demand and critical acclaim.
"The S2000 is a sports car designed by enthusiasts for enthusiasts," said John Mendel, executive vice president of American Honda Motor *** Inc. "It raised the bar for all future roadsters, and it's already considered a classic by many Honda fans."

As a true sports car that can serve as a practical and fun daily driver yet feel equally at home on a racetrack, this concept further evolved with a club racer-inspired S2000 CR trim, first offered in the 2008 model year. The S2000 has been honored with multiple awards through the years, including four appearances on Car and Driver Magazine's coveted "10-Best" list.

The S2000 is sold in 64 countries around the world with cumulative world-wide sales of over 110,000 since its introduction in 1999. Over 65,000 S2000s have been sold in the United States since 1999.

by Joel Arellano

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Gong Xi Fa Chai

Tahun Baru Cina merupakan pesta Perayaan Musim Bunga "Spring" terpenting orang Cina bagi menyambut tahun baru dalam kalender lunar Cina. Kalender lunar Cina terbahagi kepada kitaran dua belas tahun dan dinamakan sempena nama haiwan. Menurut turutan, haiwan tersebut adalah tikus, kerbau, harimau, arnab, naga, ular, kuda, kambing, monyet, ayam jantan, anjing, dan babi. Kepercayaan popular menyatakan perangai dan nasib seseorang ditentukan oleh tahun kelahiran mereka.

Tahun Baru Cina melambangkan permulaan, titik permulaan dalam nasib dan kehidupan. Sebelum hari tahun baru bermula, sanak saudara yang jauh akan kembali berkumpul. Rumah akan dicuci dan segala hutang-piutang dikutip atau dibayar agar mereka tidak sentiasa dikelilingi hutang sepanjang tahun yang baru. Mercun akan dibakar pada tengah malam bagi menandakan bermulanya tahun baru dan bagi menghalau hantu jahat dan nasib tidak baik. Rumah-rumah dihiasi dengan buah limau sebagai simbol murah rezeki, bunga dan pokok limau kumquat.

Kaum keluarga akan makan besar dengan masakan tradisi seperti itik salai, sosej, kek beras, dan limau mandrin. Golongan muda pula akan melawat golongan tua dan menerima wang ang pau dalam sampul merah bagi melambangkan nasib baik, yang diberikan oleh orang yang bekeluarga kepada mereka yang masih belum kahwin. Perarakan tarian Naga atau Singa akan diadakan, dengan kereta berhias yang diiringi bunyi gendang. Lima belas hari selepas perayaan Tahun Baru Cina, perayaan Tahun Baru Cina ditamatkan dengan dengan perayaan Chap Goh Mei.


Suzuki exits WRC

After Honda’s recent departure from the FIA Formula One World Championship, Suzuki was another big name to exit the FIA’s WRC Championship, after just a single year of participation. Yes, as you might expect, it is due to “the world economic crisis”.

On top of that, the Suzuki team finished in the top five in the final two races of the season with its SX4 racer. As a cherry on the cake, there are rumors indicating that top team Subaru may also follow suit. If this happens, I am pretty sure ratings for the WRC broadcast will be affected as there are huge numbers of fans in blue. According to a Finnish sports site; MT3.fi, an official announcement will be made tomorrow.

Audi’s upcoming projects for environment-friendly vehicles

According to CAR Magazine UK, Audi is planning at least three projects on the table for environmentally friendly vehicles and that the German auto maker intends to utilize the alphabet ‘E’ to designate these vehicles.

Such plans include an E1 all-electric super mini which is expected to utilize Volkswagen Up!’s future platform, an E2 small sports car which is expected to share future platforms with Volkswagen’s recently previewed Concept Bluesport which should be powered by gas and diesel engines with low displacements and lastly an E3 which should be based on the 2011 Audi A3.

Other models which are rumored to be produced include; a hybrid MPV E4 and a bigger, fuel efficient sports car called the E5. These are so far speculations only, but it would be crazy to rule out that Audi isn’t thinking about its options to produce such vehicles.

Meanwhile continue reading to view two more images of the Audi A1 Sportback Concept.

Related Stories:

  1. Sportback Concept by Audi previews the upcoming Audi A7!
  2. Audi A7 Spy Shot!
  3. Fuel Efficient supercar but not as tame - the Audi R8 TDi V12!
  4. Audi A7 to be previewed in Detroit next month!
  5. Malaysia’s new rear seat belt rule - not for foreign vehicles?


Karaoke Final List


Iklan Jawatan Kosong Kerajaan

Ingin mencari kerja kosong di sektor kerajaan? Sektor kerajaan, badan berkanun, semi kerajaan dan NGO seperti LHDN, PTPTN, Lembaga2, Universiti2, Kolej2, FRIM, LKIM, Perbadanan Putrajaya dan byk lagi akan/telah mengadakan pengambilan pekerja/staf/rekrut baru samada kontrak/smbilan tetap untuk tahun 2009. Iklan keje ini jarang dihebahkan melalui akhbar atau media massa.
So sape2 nk iklan keje kerajaan ini direct inform to your mobile, sila daftar dengan RapidLine.

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thanks Shades

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  • Engine to be in good condition and tuned up
  • Spark plugs must be in good condition.
  • Regularly serviced, as per recommended intervals.
  • Dirty air cleaners restrict air flow into your engine.

Wheel Alignment & Tyre Pressure

  • Wheels must be properly aligned
  • Tyre pressures must be correct. Under-inflated tyres will result in poor fuel consumption.
  • Wider tyres use more fuel.


  1. Minimise engine idling
    • A running engine in a stationary car gets zero kilometres per litre.
  2. Do not place foot on clutch (MT)
  3. Be gentle with your right foot
    • Accelerate gently. Excess fuel pumped into the cylinders gets blown out through the exhaust.
    • Keep the engine revolutions low; find the ‘sweet spot’ in your engine. (usually around 2,000 rpm)
    • Try to keep RPM below 2,000 rpm.
    • Minimise ‘lugging’ (rpm too low)
  4. Anticipation
    • Anticipate traffic situations, lift off when approaching traffic lights – minimise your braking.
  5. Get to 4th gear ASAP (AT)
    • Driving too slow will cause transmission downshift.
  6. MT – Get to 5th gear ASAP
    • Driving too slow causes ‘lugging’
  7. Minimise weight
    • Do not carry unnecessary weight in your vehicle.
  8. Air-conditioners need fuel
    • Run with air-cond off when the weather permits.
  9. Minimise weight
    • Do not carry unnecessary weight in your vehicle.

Directly from: http://www.proton-edar.com.my/index.php?page=campaign&action=view&id=50


Edit Gambar Korang 100 tahun Dulu...

Mari kita menukar gambar kita menjadi kepada gambar 100 tahun dahulu.Dengan website Bakumatsu Koshashin Generator ini korang leh tukar gambar korang menjadi lame.Sangat senang hanye perlu uploadkan gambar korang dan klik convert maka gambar korang akan menjadi lame.Kat bawah ni contoh gambar aku yang telah aku convert.

Convert gambar korang - Bakumatsu Koshashin Generator(klik sini)

Gula-gula BN di Kuala Trengganu

Janji-janji manis semasa berkempen dan cenderahati amalan biasa dalam satu-satu pilihanraya sebagai satu tektik memenangi pilihanraya tersebut. Tapi BN macam biasa pasti akan memberi gula-gula kepada pengundi.

Ini bukan tuduhan tidak berasas. Tuduhan ini berasaskan bukti yang nyata .Tak percaya tengok gambar di bawah:


Makluk Asing di Puchong

PUCHONG,13 Jan.09: seorang pekerja kilang di Puchong telah menemui 'makluk asing' yang berlegar-legar dikawasan awam. Penemuan tersebut, telah mengejutkan orang ramai yang berada disitu. Satu laporan polis telah dibuat dan siasatan sedang dijalankan. Sumber diperolehi dari beberapa orang yang ditemui, menyatakan ianya seakan-akan seperti manusia.



Sempena Chinese New Year Celebration 2009, Proreka akan menganjurkan pertandingan karaoke di antara semua staff. Pertandingan tersebut berlangsung pada 6 Feb. 2009 di Proreka. Sesiapa yang berminat untuk menyertainya, sila beri nama kepada HRD sebelum 17 Jan. 2009 (Saturday).

Pertandingan saringan berlangsung pada 20~23 Jan. 2009 di Director Room, Proreka. Para hakim terdiri daripada Mr. Mohd Faisal & Ms. Valen Wong.

Vocal>>10 Markah
Performance>>10 Markah
Attire>>10 Markah


Volvo S60 Concept!

Volvo has given us a glimpse of the next generation 2010 Volvo S60 with this concept which will be presented to the public in the Detroit car show early next year. The definite first thing you will say to your self when you look at the concept is; “Wow!”, and the feeling is mutual.

This four door C-Segment concept definitely has some good things going for it with its very aggressive “coupe-ish” design. Up front, above the lower bumper with three vents, the concept car is first of all treated with a huge, forward looking trapezoidal grille. The front LED headlights that flank the front fascia are influenced by the ancient Viking longboats with lights design that creates an image of two miniature Vikings boats sailing side by side.

The lines then flow continuously to take back, with a slopping roof line. This slightly raised rear section accompanied by the slopping roof line gives a hint of the BMW’s X6 design cues. On the way there, the unique rear parallelogram doors offer a spectacular show when they are opened and shut. Door opening is initiated by pressing on a button and the movement starts off in the traditional way.

In the next phase, the forward section also swings out away from the car’s body and the door glides parallel with the side of the car until it reaches its end position by the rear wheel. Wheels are made of a seven spoke 20 inch design wrapped with low profile tyres.

The rear with fluid lines does make up for a view that is pleasant to the eyes with triangular shaped exhaust ends on each side of the lower bumper. The somewhat slim diffuser which nestles underneath adjusts itself according to the traveling speed of the vehicle to provide better aerodynamic grip. The tail lights when turned off, will show no trace of the traditional red or yellow, however when activated, the position marker lights, brake lights and turn indicators come on in their correct colours. The solid glass panel is sectioned into horizontal “slices”.

Inside, a “floating” theme is used, with a floating centre stack made out of hand made solid Orrefors crystal, a floating centre cluster on the instrument panel, and floating seats where all seats are attached to the centre console, instead of the floor pan. The interior does feature a very futuristic design but Volvo claims that such design cues will be used in the future.

The concept is powered by a 1.6 liter Gasoline Turbocharged Direct Injection, GDTi for short which is capable of 180HP. This low displacement engine is coupled to a twin clutch Powershift transmission and steering is by an Electric Power Assisted system. The “DRIVe-mode” economy driving mode helps bring CO2 emissions down to 119 g/km.

Other innovations which can be seen in this S60 concept include; Collision Warning with Full Auto Brake that can help avoid a collision entirely if the relative speed difference between the two vehicles is less than 25 km/h and an upgraded cruise control system.

The Collision Warning with Full Auto Brake can also detect a pedestrian who suddenly steps out into the path of the vehicle and this system will then fully apply brakes automatically if the driver fails to respond in time. The radar-based Adaptive Cruise Control can be used even in slow-moving queues since the system can slow the car down to a halt, and then accelerate it again.

Since this is a concept, we can expect that certain design features will not make it into production such as the floating centre stack with crystals and perhaps the retractable rear diffuser. With this concept, I can’t wait to look at the production version!


New technology in catalytic converters by Mazda cuts usage of precious metal by 70%!

Mazda has announced that is has developed a new catalyst technology for automobile based catalytic converters which reduces the usage of precious metals such as platinum, rhodium, palladium and even gold by 70%. This is done via a single nanocatalyst technology and the Japanese auto maker mentioned that this new technology will first find its way into the new Mazda 3 which makes its worldwide showroom debut this year.

A catalytic converter uses a base material such as ceramic coated with the above mentioned precious metals. When exhaust gas is released from the combustion chambers, it will be channeled through a catalytic converter which help purify the gas via chemical reaction with the materials in the converter.

The problem with conventional catalytic converters is that the particles in precious metals tend to turn into larger clumps when in contact with hot exhaust gases, which reduces effective surface area. To counteract this, auto companies increase usage of precious metals.

With the new single nanocatalyst technology, precious metal particles are ‘controlled’ and are fixed in position, hence disabling these particles from turning into larger clumps, which then increases the effectiveness of the catalytic converter in purifying exhaust gases. Particles in this technology are reduced in size to less than 5 nanometers (nm), compared to particles sizes of more than 10 nm in conventional catalytic converters. Hence, usage of precious metals can be reduced to just 0.15 g/L compared to 0.55 g/L, which is by 70%.

According to Mazda, the new Mazda 3 with the single nanocatalyst technology conforms rules which enables the car to be classified as a Super Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle (SU-LEV) in Japan by achieving exhaust emissions that are at least 75% cleaner than regulations set in 2005. The technology will be progressively introduced to other Mazda models.

Selamatkan Palestin

Saya teringat satu ceramah yang mengatakan antara kandungan protokol Yahudi ada mengatakan pihak yahudi sendiri mengatakan cara untuk menang dengan Yahudi ialah;

" Apabila umat Islam solat jemaah di Masjid untuk solat Subuh seramai seperti jemaah solat Jumaat"

Apakah maknanya?

Solat subuh adalah waktu yang singkat dan paling selalu ditinggalkan oleh orang Islam kerana waktunya yang dinihari, waktu sedap tarik selimut. Apatah lagi untuk pergi solat berjemaah di Masjid atau surau.

Solat berjemaah pada waktu-waktu biasa pun masih kurang walau pun masjid tersergam indah tetapi terdapat beberapa saf sahaja yang datang berjemaah, apalagi waktu solat subuh. Fenomena di Malaysia hari ini, walau pun pahit inilah kenyataannya solat jemaah di Masijd dan surau hanya beberapa kerat sahaja yang hadir berjemaah. Kadang-kadang hanya bilal dan imam sahaja yang berjemaah.

Yang tersirat dari kenyataan di atas ialah umat Islam mesti bersatu dan apabila kuat iman di dada semua muslim dan sedar kepentingan solat berjemaah. Di zaman Rasulullah SAW dahulu, kalangan sahabat akan memikul keranda di depan rumah sahabat yang tidak solat berjemaah di Masjid. Begitulah kuatnya Islam di zaman tersebut dan pihak Bani Israel pun pun tidak berani angkat muka.

Hakikatnya kita semakin lemah sekarang, saya menyeru kepada diri saya dan anda semua marilah penuhkan masjid dan surau, datang dolat berjemaah setiap masuk waktu bukan datang ke Masjid hanya pada hari Jumaat sahaja.

Semoga Allah berikan petunjuk dan hidayah kepada saya.

Berikut pula ialah slide show power point yang bertajuk "Jahanam Israel" mengenai kekejaman Israel di Semenanjung Gaza untuk dikongsi .Download sekarang..


Honda to drop the axe on S2000?

Autocar UK has reported that Honda has decided to discontinue its plans to produce a successor to the Honda S2000, and that 2009 is the roadster’s final year of production. This comes after the Japanese auto giant axed its involvement in Formula 1 and development of a V10 super car; the Honda NSX. Honda intends to re-size its plans for the future and feels that having such plans isn’t pointing the car maker to the direction it wants to be in.

Other programs that are rumored to be canceled include the development of rear wheel drive Acuras and a new V8 power plant to take on Mercedes and BMW. The convertible version of the Honda CR-Z hybrid has also been shelved. Probably key executives at Honda believe that such cars would not return enough money anytime soon, which is a problem these days.


Boykot Barangan Israel

Senarai produk yang menyokong Israel yang perlu kita boikot!

Ingatlah setiap sen yang kita keluarkan kerana membeli produk-produk ini akan menyumbang ke arah penitisan darah dan kesengsaraan rakyat Palestin.

Kelab Bolasepak Arsenal adalah antara senarai produk Israel terbaru yang perlu diboikot. Ini kerana skuad Arsenal adalah menyokong dasar Israel dalam keganasan terhadap Palestin.

Lain-lain produk yang wajib kita boikot ialah seperti di bawah. Untuk melihat penglibatan dan kaitan mereka dengan Israel, klik link.

AOL Time Warner

Apax Partners & Co Ltd


Delta Galil Disney
Estée Lauder IBM
Johnson & Johnson Kimberly-Clark
Lewis Trust Group Ltd L'Oreal
Marks & Spencer Nestle
News Corporation Nokia
Revlon Sara Lee
Selfridges The Limited Inc
Home Depot Intel
Starbucks Timberland
McDonald's Arsenal FC

Sebarkan kepada semua Muslimin kerana setakat ini yang kita termampu berjihad melawan kafir Israel!

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